please nfl i beg you...get rid of instant replay...it sucks! the refs call should stand! its a human game, played by humans, watched by humans , and officiated buy humans....who the fugg cares if the humans that officiate the great game of football are old b
lind and fat....i dont...just make the call and get on with the fuggen game!
i hate it because most of the time, the old fugger gets its right...but they are forced to go look at the play from the 3000 different angles.....then ascertain whether or not there is CONCLUSIVE evidence to over turn the call.....
cfb!!! the nfl has too many rules to interpret anyway....now you have some idiot in a both discussing a call with the idiot on the field...probably Caesars palace bookie on the line as well.....5 minutes later, we get some crazy concocted diatribe why a fumble was considered an incomplete pass....ala the tuckrule....fuggrule....the field ref got it right....brady was shaking his head walking off the field....but nooooo...the booth made that call and the pats went on to win the bowl that year....
i dont give a shit if the call on the field goes against the raiders, just play on...get it going! like old skewl!
i hate volumes of rules....we have a govt that makes them every day....moms and dads make em too.....too many of them arent enforced....screw enforcing a rule...just make up more shit rules that keep you from making any coherent decisions.....blame it on someone/something else....like a fuggen camera! bunch of pussies!
let the players untuck their shirts too! everything looks all clean and tidy...jeeeezus!
this new hitting rule...helmet to helmet....omfgsmnwashahtutdabebc...(oh my fuggen gawd smash my nuts with a sledge hammer and hang them up to dry and be eaten by coyotes) what a bad rule.....im all for players not leading with their helmets...that rule has been made long ago..but not enforced...but...what happens when the runner drops his head and hits a defender? is this cool? and how do these old fart officials ascertain this? a suspension for a guy hit helmet to helmet with a running back who drops his head.....fugg that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
point is...football is a simple game....get rid of all the communication too....the headsets..burn em...the mic'd helmet, toss em away!....just line up and play! you are losing me!
brett favre threw a beauty td to his te sunday night....the nfl made a rule just after the rams v bucs nfc playoff game that shouldve been interpreted there, on the field, right then and there..and it was! perfect...beautiful.....well done! BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO.... ref ....but the replay crew over turned it....that was a game winner...but it wasnt in the end...because replay suck ass! im not a pecker fan...a viqueen fan..i actually hate brett favre..big fuggen cry baby drama dbag fugger....wahhhhh!!!....but i am (was) a big fan of the game and its losing me...wont be long until i tune out altogether!
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