this am..early..went to starbux down the road...in the bubble...lot full of nice cars..very nice cars...one car in particular caught my eye....this car catches every male eye known to man...the porsche 911 turbo..it doesnt even need to be a turbo...the 911 body style is the coolest of all cool!
something funny catches me eye....this beauties plate read "recon 3..." instantaneously i chuckled....the kind of chuckle that we all do from time to time....the "fuggen a what a complete dousche bag" chuckle....who would be "recon3?" i needed to know...and once i knew, id search long and hard for "recon1" and "recon2..."
the line was long this am....i never got to see who "recon3" was....fuggen drag...because "recon3" couldve answered all of my questions:
1. why are you "recon3?"
2. why do you post "recon3" on your plate?
3. did you sit in your poopy when you were a toddler?
so , after my redeye..thats a drink, not a sexual act.....i headed up north to the hoody..where me carwashes are located.... and...i see a plate...on a wheel spinnin escalade (shocker) that read..."play ya...."
a tale of two cities...altho it seems as tho the two cities i visited today are full of very expensive vehicles...one more refined than the other...but i bet "play ya's" vehicle costs more (aftermarket) than "recon3's" 911 turbo!
i can only imagine the colossal destruction that would result from a meeting between "recon3"
and "play ya."
im so fortunate to know that "recon3" is living amongst us in me bubble....i can sleep well knowing that he has our backs!
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