countless, temporary halloween stores are everywhere....i dont get it...i dont get halloween....well ...allow me to restate...i dont get halloween for ADULTS...
i dont get the fun of it....i dont get dressing up....i dont get theme type parties...just give me makers mark and allow me to hold up the fuggen wall....now thats a party!
these stores kick ass...these stores pop up and sell the shit out of shit! grown ups plan, take time, money, and exhaust painstaking efforts to prep for fuggen oct 31st....i dont get it...its bizarro to me...now if wifey wants to dress up as a cheerleader, porn star or french maid....then im all in!~
i get the kids....hell when i was a wee lad, i put a patch over me eye...eye eye matey!....every fuggen year...went as a pirate...and collected the hell out of candy....simple...just fill up your pillow case (cuz thats what we used...fuggen pillow cases...not plastic jackoff lanterns made in china)..hit house after house after house....get another pillow case...rinse repeat..and fuggen a....when we went out, parents were persona non grata....beat it! now parents flippin drive their kids around..ive seen some go in limos here in my bubble...thats fuggen insane...how can bullies knock kids down and take their candy if DAD is around...? unfair!
i drove markets today and saw a half dozen of these pop up stores....like fireworks stands in june....and these stores were busy....i went in and saw nothing but shit...no wonder china is kickin ass....they make all this shit...and we buy it...this store was packed with adults...in the middle of the day....on october 14 ! cfb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wifey and i are going to a ween party....and i will not dress up....refuse to...ok... ill go as a washed up drunk jock, with white sparse hair, bad back, and a sour attitude...
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