with sheppy today...i never lose to sheppy....never...we played 9 games today and he smoked me ...wasnt even close or fun...it was sheppys birthday and he was kind of irked by my squash...actually he was...great...check off yet another good friendship on the brink....
back surgeon manana....turning my squash gear over to syd...she is playing squash for her HS this winter..skewl is building 5 courts...unreal...(this skewl is fuggen unreal....i want to go there....i want to enroll).....she has potential...but what else is fuggen new with her???....this gal has so much talent...she can be a werld beater...shes a machine....i get so fuggen sick of sayin it....wifey too....but ..i guess..like her dad....she doesnt have much between her ears...her golf coach says she can be special...really special...!!!!! i forward his glowing emails to her and...yukon Cornelius....NUTTIN! silver and gold...silver and gold....(so during rudolph the red nosed r deer..Yukon would throw up his ice pik and lick it with his fake plastic looking tongue.....all while yelling GOLD!...hed then say...."NUTTIN" because he too ..like saundoggy...was a loser...he got along well with all the misfits...he fit in with em...LOSER!)
saundoggy was a blue chipper back in the day...but at least i fuggen got to enjoy my accomplishments...i was on high powered teams....got to meet very cool people..went on visits to awesome colleges...full ride....i worked hard for this...i ended up QUITTING (always regret it...always..as coach jesse branch told me...he was right...) but at least i got there...!
im not saying i want my spawn to be blue chippers....id like them to at least try...and if you have gawd given talent...DONT WASTE IT at 15 years of fuggen age! if i hear, "you shouldve pushed me when i was younger...!" ill explode....
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