im fuggen hungry...been starvin myself all fuggen week...why...cuz i gained about 5 lbs last weekend eating everything in sight...big lunch...big dinner...snack...rinse and repeat
had a group of buds in a "biggest loser" comp last winter...lasted mid november 09 to march 2010...i clocked in at 252 about 3 weeks before we started the competition...i self started a regimine to get that fatass weight off...i mean fat ass....saundoggy has the biggest ass known to white men...my ass is legendary...i got booty....big booooooty.....then one of me mates...."becks"...suggested we have a competition...great idea..so we put money in the pot..paypal rocks...i think 50 bucks... and 8 of us were in....winner take all...so i weighed in at 245...id lost 7 lbs already but wtf...ill just consider that "ante" weight loss..
tough sleddin as our comp was held over thanks "eat everything in site of you and more and more and more" giving....christ "eat drink and be merry while consuming tons of sweets and sugar everything shit" mas...new "happy fuggen get rid of the memories of worst economic year ever known to man while drinking lots of makers mark and eating full plates of chip and dip while sitting on your ass for 4 days watching college football bowl games" eve....
i did well...but not well enough to win....i weighed in at 223....down from 245....really should have been 252...that wouldve been a winner....wahhhhh....ima baby beotch whiner sob...
ive done well since then..keeping myself in check....portion control....exercising... but last weekend i failed..i hit the pantry hard....ive learned that one weekend is all it takes to gain about 5...an ez 5 too....too ez....ok..more like 7lbs...fuggen cfb!!!
so what does this fuggen stooopid pos do? i starve myself... that works right...only if youre on a hunger strike and your intent is to die!...
why the fugg do that???....i know that i will be hungry....so hungry that ill invade the pantry and stuff myself with all the shit that is present there......then ill say to myself.."its ok....im playing squash tomorrow and ill burn it off..."
wow....im manorexic...im the male oprah...ima mess...
betcha this will have a great ending...stay tuned...my buddy clark saw me tonight and asked if i was sick....cuz my face is all skinny....btw....why does your face lose all the weight at first? i find that a very odd phenomenon..
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