wtf people....?
my daughters boyfriend broke up with her last night...via text message...what a pussy...! im pissed! MANUP u weak prick!
im upset about this for several reasons....i love my daughter to a fault....and i hate seeing her upset...she dug this cat...we did too....shes young though and will be better for it...
my main concern...which is more deep...is the uneasiness i feel about the way society is going....the technology...the easiness of the BREAKUP... it shouldnt be this easy...
breaking up requires a very delicate combination of finite human emotions and behaviors...when one breaks up, one is required to handle themselves with dignity and respect...or bad things happen to the one kicked to the curb....especially when it comes to 15 year old females...parents need to teach these things to their kids...this is a fragile time and fuggen a....if one of my boys does this to a girl, im kickin their asses....and i mean it!
love is the strongest emotion that humans have in themselves....i know i know...these kids are too young to LOVE....but tell that to your 15 year old....it doesnt fly....their emotions tell themselves that they are in love....even tho they have been "going out" for only 2 months....you cant fight it...you allow them to think this while knowing its just puppy love shit...
going back to the text part....im pissed beyond belief! you dont text a break up...!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of story....over and out! plain and simple!!!! you man up and face that person and you discuss...you give them respect and you move on....thats what john wayne would do...clint eastwood...the fonz...built...all the greats! now george costanza would go the text route...cuz he is a pussy..
but what do we do...technology has allowed kids to send a snatch shot to their posse...sexting...skype...facebook fails...etc...
end it you fuggen dorks...go back to talking things out...you pussies...face the situation ..manup and move on! old skewl werks!
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