watching the footage from japan this am, i couldnt help but think about all those miserable, yet awesome catastrophe movies of the 70's..
earthquake in fuggen sensoround....outstanding!
towering inferno
Poseidon adventure...sucked
killer bees...scared the shit out of me...
my favorite from those was the towering inferno....the glass tower....that fugger was a hollywood 200 stories high...i couldnt believe they could go that high...i was impressed with its design and luxurious features....sick i say....that and the fact that the many many multiple movie stars that called the glass tower home...its was the trump tower of the 70s!
if it werent for the stupid, greedy son in law (sounds almost lifelike to me as i continue to wreck the family business with my bidness acumen and jolly ideas), the glass tower never wouldve caught fire. you never skimp on the electric...never...rule number 1 in developing!...this poor sap did....and well he died because of it...(actually he died because he pushed his way(i think he tossed aside a lady and child to get on board the escape pod)..and an explosion occurred and the pod went a fallin down 200 stories)...fuggen son in laws....always fugg things up...he died and we cheered!
well....steve McQueen and paul newman saved the day.... SM was a fuggen stud....dude died too early...he was nails....they climbed up to the roof, risking life and limb...and blew the water tank...the cascading water extinguished the flames and all was good....damn there was a bunch of water in that tank!...looked like the building was constructed under Niagara falls...
the towering inferno was epic for me... first cuss word i ever heard fro the silver screen...when SM and newman were discussing the plan to extinguish the fire...it was fireman SM who told newman what they were going to do....newman looks up (200 mf ing stories!) ...and then looks at SM....and said..."oh shit!" it wasnt a shout...it was a tranquil, our lives are over soon "oh shit"
bring em back hollywood! modernize and make em better...too bad OJ is in the klink!
I like this movie too!! Watched it again just a couple of weeks ago!