youre born...
you play...you have fun..youre a kid and its all good...
middle skewl blows ass for everyone, if if you were the bmoc...zits and greasy hair....braces for most..not me tho..i have the perfect bite...i dont bite....hard
HS rulz for all even for the people who hated it back in the day, they end up having the most fun at reunion time..
College absolutely rulz unless youre stuck in some hayseed town playing football for a bunch of fuggen crazed bible thumpers that bend you over...once fleeing that scene, it kicked ass! SMU
you get married and its fun until...
you have kids....then everything slowly becomes a brewing storm of trubs
welcome to the machine....ahhh the pink floyd song that splained it all....we are all in the fuggen matrix.....there is no escape....the banks own us....if its not the banks, its your family...your drug of choice, the prison guard, booze...your boss...yo pimp...the casino...the almighty FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...ahh the most powerful pimp you will ever meet.....these fellas mean bidness....they feed and care for the masses....and the masses are hungrier and hungrier...these two feed on each other...pimp daddy be slappin us hos...we need to pay up or else....we better get in line...or someone else will ho the street...
there is no such thing as prolonged happiness.....show me someone that is all smiles...all happy....and ill get the real truth out of em..."all too easy" (vader as he led luke into the carbon freeze chamber)...ez peezy...these types really bother the fugg out of me....oh life is great...i read it on facebook all the time....guaranty that every "i love my husband..or i love my life," poster is someone who is absolutely miserable....and they hide behind the power of the social network....taaaa daaaa! all cured because you told us how great and happy you are....fuggen dork liar d bag!
charlie sheens rants are fuggen brilliant. he has the nads to tell it like it is...he is my hero because he has the bully pulpit for us anti politically correct types. go fuggen charlie!!!!
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