driving range...instead of eating lunch..
this is the most evil of places...especially if youre retarded enough to order up a FAMILY sized bucket o rocks...144 balls.....why the fugg did i do this? ill tell you why....ima dumbass..
the first 20 were pure...then what...? i look down at the 124 remaining pieces of shit and well....i have to hit them...shank...oh shit...shank...wtf!!!? rinse and repeat....a wise man would leave them there for another poor sap to hack at...but no...im too cheap to let them be....so i continue to fail...and fail...again and again...over and over again...
problem is...i cant stop....i need to figure it out...and i did...i wasnt turning...so i got it back...by then, i have about 30 balls left...feeling good again, i need to finish in style....then it happens again...shank!...omfgsmntf! (oh my gawd stomp me nuts to flatness)...
shankapotomus...hoselenfeffer...shankenstein...shawshank redemption...king longshanks...shankyouverylittle...happy shanksgiving...shankephant...hoselandgrettel...
i race home...i need to figure this out....so i pull out me 9 iron and throw some rocks down and hit 3 beauties in me back yard...ok..im cured...
but fuggen a...i have that stanky shitty taste in me mouth..."where'd that cat go?" "what cat?" "the cat that shit in me mouth!" thats the taste i have now..
ima fuggen mess...i have two sets of sweet mizuno irons...58s are blade like...53s are more forgiving...i take me 58s out to the range because i shot a 77 with me 53s and im thinking i can go back to me blades and work the ball a little more...well that experiment failed... went back to me 53s in the back yard and viola! i think it was the lack of turn tho...so is it the sticks or the turn...the quip or the deliverer?
wont know until i play again....cuz i ait going back to satans spawning area again!
fuggen range blows ass...the range has almost cost me me marriage many times over....i know i need to stay away...but like crack to the crack addict...i go back...fuggen werld we live in...
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