i love twisting words...i tell my kids to fini shit! i pause in between the syllables. its fun...try it....youre really not cussing....i love to cuss...i drop probably 100 f bombs a day...mostly when i talk to myself...
fuckcrying outloud....another good one! emphasis on the first syllable....of carse!
cussing is an art....if you cuss too much, you come off as being uneducated and quite obnoxious....i dont really like hearing the gals cuss....it kind of taints their reputations somewhat...nothing worse than hearing a very attractive female cuss like...well....me....peeps like that dont cuss, fart...or shit...in my mind...
wifey can rip out cuss words that would make a sailor wet his pants and cry and want to breast feed on his mommys boobs....when momzilla comes out, not only does she destroy all in her path...instead of fire...she belts out a cussing rant that has me running to the hills....scare the holy shit out of me!
cussing is a very religious event if you will....an encounter with the Almighty occurs rather frequently while cussing....
jesus H christ....what the hell is H sposed to mean vern? H is hell maybe..hell isnt a bad word so this doesnt belong..
jesus fuggen christ!
holy fuggen shit! or holy shit...holy shit is used so often...its greatness....it really says a bunch when you shout it...you win the lotto....what do you say first? great sex....what does one say? grand canyon...i bet that phrase has been used up at the canyon!
christ on a fuggen bike!...i just love that one...funny as hell!...our man JC riding a bicycle....omgkmitn!
funny as hell....wtf is fun bout satans fort o fire and brimstone? never got that one...
holy fugg!
god fugg! i say that when all hell breaks loose...thats like the end all baby! i believe that interjection occurs when i get a dose of the shanks....when that happens...even the holy man himself can fugg himself!
fuggen a...i might be in trubs after this one...GF!
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