a name..for royalty purposes....ez...it would be the name/word..."bag"
everything needs a bag...you got somethng...you need a bag for it....bags bags bags..
squash bag
lacrosse bag
golf bag
soccer bag
grocery bag
computer bag
fun bags
lunch bag
ball bag
d bag
european hand bag
trash bag
leaf bag
vacuum bag
money bag
shit bag
big ole bag of chips
big ole bag of popcorn
big ole bag of cereal
bean bag
nut bag
bird seed bag
bag of hate
eye bags
ass bags
sandwich bag
ziplock bag
my boys need a lacrosse bag for their lax shit...their 3 sticks...wtf do they need three fuggen sticks...? theyve only played one year and their equip would make a duke lax star jealous...i dont get that game...seems cool as shit....but it needs a bag...
at noon today i have a squash match....ill be carrying in me squash bag...it contains 2 racquet's in case i chuck one and it happens to accidentally break....i have a back up....i think my bag has extra shirts....balls...grips and such...its a fuggen bag and i need it...
wifey has a buttload of reusable grocery bags....i guess it makes her feel all warm inside because shes saving a tree....i think she uses them because they dont offer bags at the warehouse she shops at...all i know is that these fuggen bags are green and they are strewn everywhere!
we must have 12 soccer bags from the 20 team my kids have been on....different shapes and colors..at least 4 different clubs....all adding to the rainbow of bags we have in our garage...
lax ball bag hangs down just to the left of big d...i got a chuckle this am because the bag had two balls in it...the bag swayed as i brushed across it while getting in my truck...two balls swaying in their own bag...
after lunch squash...i go to dicks to pick up the bubbas new lax bags....fuggen werld...
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