I GO TO SBUX every am...get meself a red eye...thats what these coffee geeks call a coffee with a shot o expresso... i think the brown eye is two shots o expresso cuz you spend the next hour poopin the tole..i digress
on my way to bux, i see...at every subdivision entry way...the am stacking of suv's....i know what this is because i see this 9 months out of the year...
betcha you know what this is too...
why on earth do parents drive their kids to the bus stop and wait for them to get on the bus??? its fuggen maddening and stupid...heres why..
Maddening: the bus stops...junior or missy have to disembark from their families bus (suv always....or minivan)..this takes awhile..actually forever... because it just does....and walk..no running...to the bus door...where it takes another minute for them to find a seat and sit the fugg down! its not so bad for the suv thats first in line...but the one 5 suvs down the way...double the time!..then..
these parents... cant wait fast enough to u turn right at their subdivision entrance...3 point turning...cutting the other parents(neighbors) off...and or driving thru their neighbors lawn....gotta get home so you can start planning your passive aggressive day ahead of you...here you go YOUNG EEEE(saundoggy follower..i think) ....bus stops are BASE CAMP for passive aggressiveness...thats where it all starts mate...
AND for us drivers...we have to wait way too long for the bus to stop and pick up these brinks protected humans...stop after stop...if youre behind a big yellow, youre screwed....just a man trying to get his am coffee...er red eye..
Stupid: "basics" here...basics indeed....kids need to walk to their bus stop and fend for themselves period! i can see some parents problem with this if junior or missy are there by themselves..saundoggy gives you a pass there... but many of these stops have enough kids to field a great game of football...or tag...or something....this pisses me off more than anything...we are raising the "pussy" generation....cant you see this!!!?? ive watched some of these kids grow up and well...good luck getting junior out of your house before he turns 40!
ok...there are pervs out there that snag our kids....thanks to the www and 24 hour news...this seems to be the norm out there in the ugly world we live in...look it up..most abductions occur from within the family...and if a perv wants to take your kid at the bus stop...he certainly wont take a kid thats at a stop with 8 (or 7 or 6 or 5..4 ..3..2 ) other space invaders....especially if they are playing football...
back in the day...i was excited about walking way up the street and hangin with my friends from our neighborhood....we used this freedom to our advantage....wed talk about things...wed throw the ball around...if there was snow on the ground...BONUS! ...wed cuss... spit...cant do any of that in mommys or daddys escalade....its a fuggen damn shame too...what is everyone afraid of????
oh...the stacking occurs in the pm too...thats when the little crumb crunchers get out of skewl...its just as bad...maybe worse...cuz now these kids dont have the chance to wind down ..decompress...take in the day... by WALKING to their house! last thing id ever want to do is crawl into another bus (suv) after being dropped off from a big yeller...this is maddening...sick ..stupid...a waste of gas ...a waste of your time... municipalities should ban this..its dangerous and stupid!
cant wait to get into the "ride your bike!!! or walk!!!! posts!
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