work sucks...the economy blows...people are chippy...cant do anything much right anymore...but i can sure zip in a mean spiral...i mean MEAN! the finger torcher!
always could throw the football....started when i was very young....everywhere ...all day long...zip..throw...and i didnt throw the KRB either....im talking NFL size pigskin.....see thats how you do it....jump right in...none of this toe in the water shit....just grab the big ole "DUKE" NFL'er and heave your little arm off....
my sons began football yesterday...they have been beggin me for years to play jr ball....no fuggen way...!! what a complete waste of time for them and me....and wifey...we have wasted plenty of our lives shuttling our beasties to and from club (wait til i slam into that club sports shit) lacrosse/basketball...et al...ive seen plenty of jr football to know that i didnt want my kids to be part of the gazoo bunch...they wont learn crap in pee wee footy.....hell they wont learn crap in middle school football....but its time my friends...unleash the bubbi !
so what position will they be playing....? if i was their coach....and im not...im far from it....actually ill be so far from the coaches and other parents (i just dont like other parents too much..some are way cool, but the dbags ruin it for me...and dbags are in the majority ) at their games, ill barely be able to make out which one of my boys screwed up the fuggen play! ...i digress....bubs cant throw...and they make up for that by not being able to catch....i have challenged them ....since they were able to walk...to throw the ball to each other without it touching the ground...when they were little...it was 5 bucks for 4 catches....DONG!...as they got older....we moved it up to 10 and now 20...and the stakes went up accordingly...currently its 20 bucks for 20 catches...and Price is Right failure horns are a blowing once again! every fuggen time....like clockwork....they will never...ever..be able to complete this task...they are 12... and that is sad.
to their defense, they are twins and they spend 90% of their combined energy working against each other....throwing the anvil to the drowning brother..."here catch this..it will save you!" glubglub glub...these boys dont throw each under the bus...they throw the bus on top of the other....splat! wifey and i always hear from other parents of twins....it goes something like this..."Arent twins just so great to have? mine always play together and help each other out. they are best friends forever!" i swear next time i hear this shit, im going straight home and drinking an entire big ole bot o makers mark...i will then die laughing....a great way to go!
so back to positions.....tackles...on both sides of the ball....the bubbas are huge...size 13 feet....they are 12...they will be all pro NFL'ers if they would treat the opponent that lines up across from them as if they were their twin....there will be blood! it will be nasty...IF!
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