Monday, August 16, 2010

the saundoggy days of summer..end already!

last day of big mikeys vacation....cleaned all 3 washes this am...bubbas went with me...once match of anvil toss...rework...fugg!

before work, dropped daughter off for a hs golf practice round...this am, she asked me about golf irons.."as the number goes up, does the ball go further?" no just the opposite...she took notes on a yellow sticky sheet...put in her pocket as a quick reference for her round...i shook my head , left the room, and chuckled....syd is legally blond golfer...she has mad skills tee to green...but projectile barfs on herself and everyone with her short game...practice wouldve helped...but that would be way too much to ask for...

while daughter golfed, bubs and i went in the crewmax....see v....i needed a crewmax to haul me crew around! big big d!

apparently, Team Member Darrell lost his badge...tough times ahead for darrell..bosses look for the tag first...feel badly for him....guess i shouldnt have thrown it away..yikes! syringes or blades today...i guess sundays waste is more wholesome than fri or sat nights...ill shoot some photos of whats left behind next weekend...its a regular party at the carwashes!

picked up daughter from golf, dropped kids off at home...went to bank to make deposit..(missed my personal deposit (opporpoopity..or poopertunity) this am...shit!..errr no shit!)...dropped boys off at skewl for orientation....made another deposit at another bank..(no personal deposit yet still...once i miss..its over...always take advan when opporpoopity knocks!...fugg!)...came home only to find that sasha got into trash can and lily pooped her cage...she didnt miss her opporpoopity today! lucky girl!

all of this before 1pm...

now i have to "work"...battling banks and lawyers....oh what fun...Ima mess....

kinda feel bad about poor Darrell tho...badgeless bastard

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