i touch...check
smart phone...check
the ipad was purchased using the bubbas own money....ok...but i told them they wouldnt be using it much...but nooo...they needed it...wanted it...
yesterday....one of the bubs asked wifey to buy back his ipad back...for full price....ha...the fuggen thing has a cracked corner that his $30 cover so conviently...well...covers...no deduct for that eh?......i guess he realized that his other apparatuses fill the bill....and they do...in spades...
their lappys do it all....so do their damn smart phones....their ipads...well all you have to do is put their itouches in a fuggen enlarging machine....and viola!
i take time out of my day to observe....rant about shit that drives me nuts...and my best material is right under my nose...
why do we feel compelled to buy this shit for 12 year olds? in our defense, their lappys are leased from their skewl...and a requirement...so pass....and their itouches...well everyone has a pod so watever....smart phone....why do they need a smart phone? thats on us...all they need is a simple phone that they can use for talking and texting....does a 12 year old need all of those apps? the ipad was a complete waste of THEIR money....wifey and i made them cough up for this pos...we knew it would get play for about 2 weeks and collect dust thereafter...
my house is basecamp for dbaggity...
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