playing in one today....noon gunner...pissed because i vowed not to play in one of these this year....they fugg your game up so much...too long... so gay...
this one will be horrible...norwood hills cc...known to pack em in...probably 3 groups per hole...6 hours is norm...
the worst is when they have the pinnacle long hitter fags on a selected tee box...this d bag usually goes into a spiel about how great he is and how many competitions he has won over the last 10 years...he hits 5 balls and every fuggen one of em is way out of bounds...not even in play...oh yeah, you have to pay for his services too....thanks chief, pal, guy....after his 5th ball travels off the entire golf course grounds, he then informs that you get to place your ball 150 yards from the hole... next!
then the chatter and banter with the 2 fellas in your group whom you dont know and dont give a shit to know any better....6 hours of being stuck with a total d bag....one of the guys will be cool because thats how it usually works out statistically...
so, my buddy who invited me is cool....theres me (totally cool)...there will be a dousche (how do you spell this word anyway???) bag....and there will be one that is tolerable...im sure ill be the d bag to those other 2 fellas....thats usually how it works ...after round...we will tell each other how much fun we had and what great times we had, while you/they tell yourself/themselves how it sucked so bad...
i predict that we will make that one putt that will keep us out of first place in the second cut....so we will be last place in the A division....always werks out that way too...
there goes my game...in flames...scrambles suck!
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