you ever get a call from someone and you know exactly what they want? ... bet the farm on what this person/friend/ family member is looking for...
cracks me up...
got a telephone call....yes...an actual telephone call...not a celly..not a text...not an email...but my home phone actually rang...this person calling asked to speak to scorr saunders....i know who this person is...see, back awhile ago, i gave some money to the republican party...i remember filling out the form and sending the check....sometimes, most of the time, my handwriting can get quite messy and i guess the dumbasses at the RNC thought the 2 t's in SCOTT were 2 r's....WTF is that about...?
HOw many mudder fuggen scorrs do you know? have you met a fella named scorr before..? so when the fellas from the repub party call and ask for SCORR, i laugh my fatass (i have back fat...first time ever...roll tide) OFF! i tell these fuggers to quit calling my ass....tell them my name isnt SCORR...and im about to go democrat if they keep calling me fuggen SCORR!
actually, scorr is a pretty cool name...everyone wants to scorr....you scorr a goal...you scorr a gal....you scorr some booze...you scorr some other bad stuff and such....scorring is cool, so i just might have to go with that one eh? HE SHOOTS HE SCORRS!
also, there are those old friendships that are always rekindled....but this rekindling is more of a one way street....this is the call you get from someone that is looking for a favor...looking for something that will inevitably put you in some kind of hole while the "old buddy" is burying you with shovels full of shit...thanks mate...
ring ring....
hey bro whats up... (fake talk for 30 minutes....then the hammer) ....i need some help here...
i immediately bend over and assume the assfugg position...
i wish bastids like this would just jump to it...forget the ass kissing bullshit...."wife and kids good...oh and how are your folks?" this person doesnt fuggen care, so why bother...?
what the fugg do you want dude? just say it...
these are those friends we ALL have....you kind of forget what they look like because you havent seen them in years...you really dont care that you havent seen them in years too...things were cool back in the day, but weve all moved on....
the repubs called me about 30 minutes ago...."is Scorr there?"...LMFAO!...guess they want cash....i always offer them advice for free, but i guess thats not good enough...
scorr one for the good guys
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