it flat out amazes me how engrossed we are with the weather....uncanny...its always on every ones mind...it defines our days...our moods....its the worlds oldest ice breaker..."great weather eh?"
"cant beat this weather eh?"
the other day...and i mean DAY...our local nbc affiliate broad casted a spring time thunderstorm from 4pm to 10 pm...6 hours of reporting...3 tornadoes spawned from this system, but youd think the end of days was here...these retard news guys were everywhere...reporting on the storms progress...
"its raining here in ofallon"
" getting quite cloudy here in wentzville"
"pea size hail in quincy"
this stupid ass fella parked his tv van in a self serve car wash bay....broad casted rain falling to the ground from the "safety of this self serve car wash bay."...like we fuggen care if youre safe...personally, id like to see this guy get pelted by softball sized hail....that would be a laugher...id tune into that!
this weather thing must make for huge ratings...peeps must dig this... the damage...the destruction....the sobbing victims of mother natures wrath...i tell you...local news is the BASE CAMP for our societies downfall....these d bags are fuggen retards...all of em!
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