i just read my boys lacrosse roster...these kids have some dorky names...i wont mention them because they are middle skewlers...and i dont feel like taking heat if one of those whacked parents find out...
i always hated charles emerson winchester the 3rd...on MASH....he was a fuggen d bag! with a name like that....of course he was/is...
go with "Chuck" mate....youll have more friends...
gay names like jeremy and tristan....why do this to your kid? ...i know i know....but brad pitts character in legends of the fall was "tristan".....thats right and he is gay...and had no friends...
i know kids that the first name is their moms maiden name...i would be BLUE SAUNDERS...no thanks...altho that would describe my fuggen awesome sexy blue eyes....but i would be gay and have no friends...
Hoosiers are the second worst at naming their kids.....go out and watch a girls soccer team play... listen to the all mighty, fat as hell, soccer mom give their kid a shout out....and laugh at their name...poor gal...has to be called faylene..or amberly....or HARMONY...barf!
im not going to point out the worst....hint:::: shannequafanellisa ...and there you have it...
first names are so very important...our very own president changed his name from barry soetero...to barrak Hussein obama....powerful name eh? ... dont know any fellas named barry...jerry...or gary for that matter, that impress me any...but when BHO tells me what to do, i listen....he is all powerful!
i love porn star names....they say it all while doing it all...
the fellas get the great names...gals, not so much...they were named by fat hoosier soccer moms apparently...
seymore butts.... or adam glasser
dale debone...or dale rutter...this chp couldve used rutter...FULL RUTTER..er something like that...
ben dover....or simon honey (he couldve used his real name eh?)
jack hammer...or troy mainwaring..i call our dacshund the jackhammer....poor lily...lily looks back as if to say..."hey...do i know you?"
arnold schwartenpecker.. or schmuel berkowitz...wtf is a schmuel??? can u imagine..."SCHMUEL...TAKE OUT THE GAAAAHBAGE!"..."AH MAHM...kAH MAHN!"
LONG DONG SILVER...or daniel mead...this guy brother was rich and famous...his middle name was "john"....very successful fast food bidness....
if you want a good porn name...click on this link...
blue blood names crack me up the most...just a gander thru me kiddos skewl buzz book is all you need for a good laugh! poor rich bastids!
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