im guilty of saying these things to others...myself...wifey...kids..
wtf does this mean tho? we get notes from kids skewl from time to time....most very good...some not so...today for instance....
teacher tells me/us that one of me chillin isnt doing so well in science....actually not so good at all...i tell my kids that all they need to do is try their best...do their best, and thats all we can ask...and when they try their best and do their best, good things happen...
well this thinking gives them an out...and gives us an argument...
"i got a D but i tried my best...just as you ask of me"
these kids are too smart to make poor grades...and in todays overly competitive marketplace and schools under the gun so much that grade fabrication is the norm..., getting a D is pretty much inexcusable...
so what does one say?
i say FUGGET!.... sprinkling grades like this from time to time will most definitely throw them out of the "expensive college" game! wooooo fuggggen hoooooo!
same goes for sports...when i play...i never, ever feel like i gave it my all....because i didnt...and i never have! anyone who tells you that they gave it their best....tried their best...gave it their all is so full of shit their eyes are of a brown , speckled corn hue...(thats gross)
business too....i did my best...rrrrrriiiiight....no such thing...there is no best of anything..best of anyone...best effort...best try...it flat out doesnt exist.....
i was convinced of this when i found out that yoda couldnt beat palpatine....when obi wan left vader to die without slicing him dead...fuggen loser....finish the job man! he couldve saved millions....
"do or do not...there is no try"
hello mizzou!
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