one week of blowing chow and pissin fecal matter....one week of the worst cold ever to be had by any human on earth for the last 5 billion years....now..
back went out..
the month of april is hells month....i believe something or someone is trying to tell me something...no one deserves this shit...
moving garden dirt did me in....shovel in hand....turning up soil...love this....cutting out weeds....and .."oh fugg!" its probably the worst pain one can ever experience.....the shooting synapses of pain down both legs....the horror...the horror...
my back is so messed up...my surgeon told me to find someone else..this fella was awesome....but got tired of me i guess...i believe he knows what needs to be done but doesnt want to do it...
my general doctor referred me to a pain doctor....this fellow was creepy...this fellow stuck a long ass tube type needle in my lower back and shot a bunch of shit in there....this shit is supposed to "block" the nerves....well...like everything good, it lasted about 2 weeks....ive had this procedure multiple times with this fella...about 2k per procedure...not bad compared to the 5k this indian (dot head..not injun) charged me last year...
whats up with thes pain management fellas...they are all creepy....and many of them are indians...from india...pain is their game i guess...creeps...every fuggen one of em...
well...my pain dude told me yesterday.....he gives up and gave me the names of 2 surgeons...fugg that...already done dat....my first cutting was very successful....me thinks if i go at it again...im going to be wheelchair bound and have the "patch eyed" attorney working for me...whats up with the eye patch...i think every city has a "pirate" attorney that will sue the shit out of docs for malpractice!
it just hit me that doctors suck! not my regular dr tho ....he rules! but these pain guys suck! they are so full of shit...they way way way overcharge for the procedures they conduct...im laying on my back...the fuggers poke a fuggen needle in your body....u go back to work while they invoice you 2k!
or 5k...stupid! i go back to him because my back is out and he basically tells me to haul ass...call one of his fellas...pass me around like a cheap whore...wonder how much the pain guy makes on a referral to a cutter..? no dooot there is a big business here..
my insurance has skyrocketed due to me fragile ness...feelin bad about the burden...
im finished...no more "specialist" im goin old skewl...im going to take the pain and save the cash...
back to the pool...oh and "walking"... im fuggen 45 and walking will be my form of cardio exercise...ill be joining the 80+ year old mall walkers...wtf is that all about....? mall walkers...i fuggen laugh my ass off when i see these people....in their walking shoes...and khaki jackets....these people are serious and youd better yield to them...
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