i have been banned from watching my daughters soccer games....she wont let me watch her golf matches either....same goes for her squash matches....kids going to earn 10 varsity letters by the time she graduates....awesome...the others get to watch her....
i make her nervous...
i did get the invite for 3 games this season and she played great...i dont make her nervous...i stay way far away...dont yell...dont say a word....heck, i dont even like mingling with the parents....i dont like their kids...i dont like parents of other kids...annoying...
so syds on a pretty high powered HS team and they are doing well....i keep hearing that syd is playing awesome and its killing me that i dont get to enjoy watching my fuggen offspring make defenders look stupid....syd has mad one v one skills....and she is fast to boot....but i digress...cuz i dont get to ever see this shit..."you shouldve seen syd yesterday, she was awesome!" yeah shut the fuck up mate....
bubbas are totally different....they want me to watch their every move....so i go with them and i enjoy myself...they arent girls...males are so much cooler than females....girly girls are the complete worst!
so syds HS team kicks off at 4pm....the skewl is all stoked because they are good for once....this team is loaded with young talent so they will be awesome for several more years....but i dont get to see that....i just cut the check and count the days when this wasteful unit leaves my house...tick tock! she is number 24...thats probably the age she will be when she is gone forever...24 is a kickass number...i hear its a great show too....
as yoa would say...."bring little to the table this one does"
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