this weekend blew nuts..it rained all day...every day...not only did it rain, it drizzled, misted, spit, fogged, poured, sprinkled, and pissed H2O...all weekend long....
i figured out the all important golf swing and couldnt do anything about it....today...its beautiful....welcome to the LOU...and you wonder why we are the murder cap of the planet...nothing else to do cept bang the gang...and golf..but it was too fuggen wet!
saw another fella bust his ass today....this seems to happen all around me lately...who am i , the fall guy?..hahahaha....stupid ....this poor fatass missed a step at the MAC and the biggin went a tumblin....fell about 5 steps....rolled down like a fat piece of shit would tumble...it was funny as hell....i laughed, again....and walked away fast...his buddy laughed too so i thought my laughing wouldnt have an impact...
broke a ceiling fan glass this weekend....the replacement part is 70 fuggen bucks...this piece of glass must be made of diamond dust...you wouldnt believe how small this piece of glass is...so insignificant, until you need it replaced...if this glass costs 70 bucks, then the entire fan is worth 10,000 in parts..
im going to corner the ceiling fan parts replacement market.....buy 10,000 ceiling fans....take them all apart....and sell them in pieces...this is a billion dollar bidness....
home depot sucks....they once prided themselves in customer service....these people they hire must be walmart throwbacks....these people dont know shit....they look retarded.....act retarded....lowes isnt much better...we went there on saturday....wifey...me and the bubbas...it was zero fun....
i cant shop much anymore with anyone....i like golf shops and no one else in my family likes them....actually my entire family hates everything i like...at least i played golf with my dad from time to time....i sucked at golf back then, but i went anyway....my kids just ask me for money and tell me to shut the fugg up....
a new edwin watts just opened up a couple of miles away...thats cool...always liked the edwin watts company logo...fella has a great follow thru...if that fella is edwin watts, then edwin has a great follow thru...the old edwin watts logo looks as tho the poor fella is battlin gale force winds....thats no fun...

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