so wifey and i go up to 2 of our car washes....saturday...lunch time...bring about 200 dogs and buns....sodee (we say sodee here in missoura) pop out the ass...vess soda...cherry..orange...love that shit!
the weather blows....its over cast ...rainy....of course no one will wash their cars and eat up our shit we brought...it was a total failure... we did give some dogs and sodee away...in years past...all we did was start the fire and this shit flew off the grill....!
not only was it a failure....i failed miserably at lighting the gd charcoal...i have the hardest times with simple man things...i cant fix shit....start shit...cook shit...blank shit....(fill in the blank and i cant do it)
i so wanted to take a pic of this customer of ours...and post it....but i didnt think to...this lady, or watever she was/is had the biggest ass ive ever seen....it was a colossal mass of assmass....it was incalculable....the surface area of this can was larger than a fuggen elephant....an entire elephant...! not only was her assmass so fuggen huge...this lady was dancing up a storm while vacuuming out her piece of shit car...the music playing was priceless too....mudder fuggen n word this ....n word that...of course she had a child present...IN THE FUGGEN CAR....while this crap was blasting! this kid is probably deaf already, so no harm done...
im going to google "fat ass" and include that pic on this post...ill find the largest ass they give me....just multiply this ass by 2 and thats my gal!!!!
...ass pic x 2 = carwashladies assmass....
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