parents are fuggen crazy about shit their kids do...brag about how great their "little shits" grades are....how many goals "little prick" scored....
dont get me wrong...i am proud of my little darlings....but i dont dote..dd..dont dote!
helicopter doting parents are the worst....
i tell my kids that they should be awesome at everything...because i was awesome at everything...case closed...beat it!
one thing i want my kids to grasp is a sense of independence....autonomy....get off the nipple you little bastards...
syd made great headway this am...and i gotta say, im proud as hell...dote dote dote...
her car ("cleveland"..named after the family guy character) , my old pos bmw, needed repair...the fan sounded like the airwolf helicopter...no doooot it was a loose belt...i have taken this car in for repair almost monthly for the last 6 months...and im fuggen tired of it...so i told her to take it in herself...
this bmw place is not your typical bmw place...its a used bmw repair shop located in a hoody area... not south bronx....but somewhat hoodrow wilsonesque...
she went in...talked to eddie...eddie fixed it...and she went home...took her 10 minutes...
hmmm..i got to wonderin...hmmm....why such a short turn over time...? i always have to drop the fugger off or sit and wait for a hell of a lot longer than 10 minutes...and it came to me...i bet that these guys have never had a 16 year old gal bring a car in for repair...ive been there countless times over the last 15 years and i bet this has never happened to them before...
im going to have syd do all my shit from no on...and why not..? i bet shed get instant service at lowes or home depot...where it takes me hours just to find someone in orange...
im never taking her car in ever again...im never taking my truck in...im using this little nugget for as long as she lives under me roof...
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