ever been deposed? if so, you know how bad these fuggen things suck! this am is day 2 of my deposition prep...i feel like im back in college....not the fun college tho...ahhh the fun college....i think it was fun, i dont remember much...my friends from college are very cool peeps, so i guess i had fun...this is the BAD college...the cram and study college...i remember BAD college vividly...
depos are ridiculous....its basically the other lawyer trying their bestest to trip you up, while your attorney is kicking you in the shins under the table....or giving you the leg squeeze....i think the kick means you have said something that hurts your case...or you are rambling for way too long.....the leg squeezer has a "good job" feel to it...me likey the leg squeezers...
in 45, im in for my test...im wearing a pair of me kiddos old shin guards...
tomorrow is the real deal...
fuggen crap shit ass...!
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