thats me ...
i get the opportunity to play bellerive cc this am...and i get the shanks...i address the ball and have no idea how to swing...and when i did...hosel rocket....straight right...chinese laterals...the shanks....the absolute worst thing to happen to a golfer happened to me over and over and over again...sad really...cuz i was on fire...playing well...scoring well...excited about playing....and now ima mess...
i went/walked away from the course after 5 holes and i was steaming...the ultimate walk of shame....couldnt blame it on my back either....i go home and plop a couple of balls down in me backy and full blown pured em both...sweet spot...high draw...what the fuck!???? how does this happen...? i go back to my desk...tidy up some things....and go outside for two more hits....and bammo! perfect yet again...
at this time ima complete mess because i shouldve been making the turn at bellerive....
so i get the keen idea to make something happen for me today...i text sheppy for a squash game at lunchtime....word gets around quick at the MAC...and word has it that i suck at squash ...EZ PICKINS...yet again...ez pickings....so shep was hip on playing me....we played 8 games....bageled...i didnt get one game off this hack i never used to lose to....all too ez! hell sheppy had a doubles game not too long after...usually hed decline playing and rest for dubs...but not today...
i give orders for wifey to pick up 2 makers bots....and this is where i am presently....
oh yeah, before that...id given our worker fella the wrong fucking (fuck fuggin...im going deep from now on...fuck fuck fuck!) ceiling fans to replace...so this fuck took the wrong ones down...my fault of course....guess i wasnt quite listening well enough...wifey is cool about it cuz she knows i can go volcanic anytime now...
the shanks have almost cost me me marriage several times over our last 21 years....lately ive battled thru the bouts in timely fashion...i dont get them as oftn anymore....this bout is already gone...ive snapped clubs...ive snuck out to the driving range late night...wasnt supposed to go for i was banned.....but i had to figure it out...had to...
see golf is so important to me...its really the only thing i enjoy doing...i love golf equipment...clothes...courses...friends....hitting the shit out of the ball....when times are shitty and your golf is good...life is good...when things are great and your golf blows ass....life sucks shit...
when your bidness is bad and your golf is bad...then looooky owwwwwt! the big fat angry bear has been poked!
now my squash sucks too....i was getting pretty good...now i dont even belong with my once proud peer group....
so i am the spawn of schleppy...that unlucky fucker is like family to me...
wowsy wowsy woo woo....
ill snap back...maybe..
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