fitting that sb XXX was the TIME OF MY LIFE! XXX (hot sexy...titty!)...thats 30...i was 30...it was 15 fuggen years ago....i maxed out! nothing beats it...why? here's my list..
1. XXX was in ptown....phoenix...cowboys v steelers ( stillers) ...hate both of those teams...but it didnt matter..ptown kicks ass....weather is awesome...golf golf golf! ptown golf rules and we played a bunch o golf!
2. the phoenix open was taking place at the same time the town was hosting the superbowl...
ok thats why...
right...thats why it was the best week of my life right?
let me dive in a little more..
due to family connections...lets face it ...i married right period...i admit it...
the family connections allowed me to fuggen have the best time of my 45 years on this planet...
wifey and i had vip passes to the commissioners party....the party of all parties....this was where thousands and thousands of revelers and nfl players (current and past) gathered for food and frolick....i was a kid in the candy store...not only that...we were the TITS that night...we got to eat in the VIP area....tables set up for each team....sat right in between the cowboy table and the stiller table....met the coaches of both teams...cool eh...just fuggen awesome! also got to meet freddie b and jimmy plunkett ..timmy brown...(raider greats).....warren moon...lynn swann...the list goes on and on! food was so great...booze flowin....heaven! we were in the section where everyone else was looking in to....ha...beat it peasants...
next night wifey and i go to the owners party....this was a very mellow gathering of the nfl owners, family, and select friends....very small gathering at a very nice hotel ....food...booze...first class....we were the second party to arrive....the first one there was MR AL FUGGEN DAVIS....owner of my beloved OAKLAND RAIDER FOOTBALL TEAM.... the man...the crazy mutha fugger...im stoked....i go directly to al and introduce myself...he gave me about 15 minutes...cool eh...? al was wearing a white track suit...at a fuggen party...his glasses were on a thick gold chain...couldnt believe it...
so what did we talk about...
ME: "uh mr davis, im a big fan" i go into some detail how ive been a raider fan forever and i love the s and b...i go into how we got screwed in kansas city ( wifey and i were there) that season...
MR DAVIS: "uh yes ..that was a tough one.....say, next time we are in kc, let me know...and ill arrange it so you and the misses can come up to my box and look around for a bit...then you'll have to go back to your seats..."
uh wtf!!!??? this guy is rude..but i just went with it...he is al davis...
wifey is pregnant with our twin boys at this time....and i wanted to name one of the boys "RAIDER" ...so wifey tells AL this...
AL: "uhhh if you name one of your kids there "raider" i will see to it that he is outfitted with rayduh (al is from Brooklyn ny) gear his entire life...here is my personal assistants card...send here the birth cert and its a done deal.." i pussed out...wifey said i could name the boy raider and i choked...so no gear....fuggen idiot...im so weak
ok cool....AL just erased the letdown i just had with his snobby.."come up to my box and have a look" bullshit...im happy...
so it kind of ended there as AL began mumbling (i think he said "commitment to excellence...and just win baby...over and over again...or perhaps i was drunk) and i could tell he was tiring of my fatass...so we went to the bar...and had a great evening meeting all the other owners and family etal...
the next day: Phoenix open...we had the greatest set up there...a private tent on 18 green....right there....we got there early and the bloody Marys were going down like water....we got so fuggen wasted...the girls attending this golf tourney were so fuggen hot....it was absolutely amazing....my head was on swivel...wifey wasnt happy....i think i told her to start checkin out the hot golfers, when stadler was coming up the hill to 18 green....fat fuggen walrus!
the game: superbowl XXX (hahahaha) was an awesome game....of course we had vip ticks to the tailgate party...gap band.....you drop a bomb on me baby! i was in heaven...i love those fellas...HS favorite....we ate..drank...we were all lubed up ready for the game..cool and the gang there too....and i think midnight star....NO PARKING BABY>>>no parking on DANCE FLO!
our seats were fuggen kickass....we were right on the FIVE OH! i studied it for about 20 minutes....lining up my eye like i was sighting a rifle....yup 50 fuggen yardline! not only that...we were front row loge....no one to stand up in front of you....these were the best seats i have ever sat in period! who was sitting next to me....MEAN FUGGEN JOE GREENE....stiller great...had him sign my ticket stub...
the game was kickass...cowboys won a tight one....looked to be going to OT when the steeler qb threw it right to larry someone..(this larry fella was signed to the raiders the next season and was a total flop...thanks AL) and he ran it in for the closer....
game over...we proceeded to our car...oh yeah...VIP parking...we were out of there in minutes...
nothing ..and i mean nothing will even come close to that week.....movie star like treatment...
many would enjoy this type of treatment every week/day/year...i probably would pass on that...it was so fuggen outstanding that if it were to occur all the time...youd get sick of it...i would...and the memory of that week wouldnt be a memory at all....